Noise Learning

Noise Resources Available from ACGIH!

On Demand Webinar

Worldwide Noise Risk Reduction
Presenter: Peter Wilson: BSc

The continuing worldwide tidal wave of hearing damage claims demonstrates unequivocally that conventional noise risk management programs dominated by PPE have not been sufficiently effective and Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) remains a preventable plague. Noise risk reduction best practice has changed. Implementing these changes dramatically reduces the risk of NIHL.

Did you know that NIHL is the single most preventable dementia risk?

This workshop provides details of the updated best practices based on the best of current technology and knowledge that can be used to reduce NIHL risk in most organizations by 75% – 90% at negligible cost compared with current expenditure.

It’s time to stop people from suffering unnecessary hearing damage by changing the way that risk is managed.


In-Person Course

Concepts of Industrial Noise Control

March 25-27, 2025

Greater Cincinnati Area

Hilton Cincinnati Airport
Florence, Kentucky

Earn 18 Education Contact Hours!

Course Description
This course is designed to give Industrial Hygienists and Safety Professionals practical knowledge about noise control concepts and methods that will help them to assess hearing conservation challenges and develop noise control solutions.

Instructor: David A. Nelson, INCE Fellow, INCE Bd.
David Nelson is a Fellow of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering. He’s been active as an acoustical consultant for about 30 years, 25 with his own firm Nelson Acoustics ( During that time he has provided noise control training, consulting, and software for some of the worlds most prestigious companies. Typical themes include the role of human perception in acoustics, demystifying noise control concepts, the monetary cost of excess noise, and “Intrinsically quiet” equipment design. He’s applied these skills in situations as diverse as consumer products, environmental noise, buildings and industry. As an instructor, David is known for plain speaking, practical analogies, and making complex topics accessible. On the side he’s a lifelong musician, an instrument-rated private pilot, and a martial arts black belt.


ACGIH Subscribers: $1,950
Non-Subscribers: $2,250

Note: This course must be purchased by the person who will be taking the class.


On Demand Professional Development Course

Certificate in Noise and Hearing Loss Prevention

Earn 7 Education Contact Hours at your Convenience!

Course Description
You may know that noise exposure is a ubiquitous workplace hazard in the US and globally, and that noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational diseases. However, did you know that occupational noise has also been linked to high blood pressure and injuries? Or that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s limit for noise is not very protective against noise-induced hearing loss? This certificate course explores the basics of noise, auditory and non-auditory health impacts of noise, noise measurement instrumentation and methods, relevant exposure limits and guidelines (including the ACGIH® TLVs® for Audible Sound, Infrasound, and Ultrasound), hearing loss prevention programs, noise controls, and hearing protection devices. Learners can also choose to learn about ototoxic exposures (that is, chemical agents that can harm hearing even in the absence of noise), hearing protector fit testing, and community noise assessment. Practical and real-world examples are included throughout the course to reinforce key concepts. Technical readings are tied to each topic to allow learners to explore concepts in greater detail.

Instructor: Richard L Neitzel, PhD, CIH, FAIHA
Rick Neitzel is a Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Global Public Health at the University of Michigan (UM) School of Public Health. He has published more than 130 peer-reviewed manuscripts focused on exposures to, and impacts of, noise and other occupational and environmental hazards. He is particularly interested in incorporating new methodologies and exposure sensing technologies into research and has a strong interest in translating his research findings into occupational and public health practice. He has created a job-exposure matrix for occupational noise exposures in the U.S. and Canada ( He also serves as the principal investigator of the Apple Hearing Study, a nationwide study of sound exposures and their impacts on hearing health (  Dr. Neitzel is Chair of the ACGIH Threshold Limit Values for Physical Agents (TLV-PA) Committee. He is also a Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association and has been a Certified Industrial Hygienist since 2003.

Subscriber Price: $369
Non-Subscriber Price: $459

Note: This course must be purchased by the person who will be accessing and taking the class.


Audible Sound Documentation Available

Documentation is also available for Audible Sound. It is available in Data Hub for ACGIH Subscribers only, and available for purchase in PDF format in the publications store. 

Guide for the Control of Audible Sound Hazards

Downloadable Publication

This book is a downloadable only guide published by ACGIH and the Threshold Limit Values for Physical Agents (TLV-PA) Committee. This guide is designed to provide additional guidance for users of the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for occupational exposure to audible sound, which recommends levels of exposure and conditions under which it is believed that nearly all healthy workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after day, without adverse health effects. It is important that this TLV be applied only by individuals adequately trained and experienced in the necessary measurement and evaluation techniques.