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7 Feb 2023
Complimentary Live Webinar – 2023 Updates to the TLVs and BEIs

This webinar will focus on updates to the 2023 TLVs, BEIs, and the process for recommending them. The committee meets regularly to update existing TLVs and to develop new ones based on a review of the literature and extensive discussion among committee members.

On-Demand Webinars

Summer Series

25 Jan 2023
Webinar – Emerging Infectious Diseases and First Responders

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to apply the following: Define terms such as biological agent, bioterrorism and bioterrorism attack.

11 Jan 2023
Webinar – EPA Chemicals Management in the Workplace Under TSCA: A Case Study

When TSCA was revised in 2016, the EPA was tasked to prioritize and review existing chemicals, and develop a review process for new substances that would “affirm safety” during the manufacturing and use of the substance.

30 Nov 2022
Webinar – Use of the Velocity Pressure Calculation Sheet in the Design of Multi-Level LEVs

This webinar covers the detailed use of the velocity pressure calculation sheet in the design of a two-hood local exhaust ventilation system. This webinar covers the detailed use of the velocity pressure calculation sheet in the design of a two-hood local exhaust ventilation system. The webinar is designed to train the audience on the use of the calc. sheet in the design of a complete LEV system, up to specifying the required actual flow rate and Fan Static Pressure.

7 Dec 2022
Webinar – How to Effectively Choose and Deploy Technology to Reduce Workplace Injuries: Avoiding the Pitfalls

There is an abundance of technology and wearable devices available to help safety professionals and industrial hygienists reduce workplace injuries and improve overall worker well-being.

16 Nov 2022
Webinar – Sampling for Respirable Crystalline Silica to Meet the New Limit Values

Respirable Crystalline Silica exposure is probably the most serious chemical hazard of our time, given the number of workers exposed and the seriousness of the resulting disease. The ACGIH and OSHA have promulgated limit values that can be achieved with full-shift sampling, but if assessment of lower concentrations or sampling over shorter time-scales is required, the best procedure is to use higher flow rate samplers to collect larger samples. How this can be done and the limitations involved will be presented.

2 Nov 2022
Webinar – Reviewing the Australian Workplace Exposure Standards

In 2019-2020, WSP undertook a review and update of 727 workplace exposure standards and notations for airborne chemical contaminants utilised in Australia for Safe Work Australia. A novel approach to setting concentration limits for chemicals deemed to be non-threshold, genotoxic carcinogens and skin notations will be discussed. Delivered by lead toxicologist, Nathan Aust, this presentation describes the history, background, scientific aspects, and overarching methodology used to undertake the process.

26 Oct 2022
Webinar – The Industrial Hygiene of Chemical Weapons

The topic of the presentation is the Industrial Hygiene of three chemical weapon agents including Levinstine Mustard, VX, and GB (Sarin). The discussion will involve the common characteristics of the weapons, the chemical behavior, the current process for the rapid identification, and control of the chemical hazards involved in the demilitarization of surplus weapons.

19 Oct 2022
Webinar – Considering Flow Paths in Whole Space Ventilation

The webinar seeks to introduce the concept of flow patterns to help ventilation designers make best use of directional aspects of space flows. Mixing ventilation is compared to displacement ventilation in a theoretical manner, and a case study is illustrated as a real-life example. The presentation is meant to appeal to a moderate level of experience and knowledge but also to give experts something to think about.

5 Oct 2022
Webinar – Hazardous Materials & Unknown Chemical Field Testing and Classification

A detailed technical discussion of how to reliably test and classify unknown liquid and solid chemical materials using rapid, reliable simplified testing which can be used without advanced analytical field instrumentation, or in tandem with such instrumentation.