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5 Jul 2023
Webinar – Bioaerosols Exposure in the Workplace and OSHA Standards

Occupational exposure to Bioaerosols is associated with a wide range of health effects and has a significant public health impact. However, there are challenges to establishing occupational exposure limits to bioaerosols in the workplace.

On-Demand Webinars

Summer Series

14 Jun 2023
Webinar – Engaging and Empowering Employees with Heat Stress Assessment

This education session will describe the use of physiological monitoring with twenty companies in maritime, construction, and general industry. The education session will include the uses and limitations of physiological monitoring as well comparison to current regulatory recommendations.

7 Jun 2023
Webinar – The New Dimensions of Occupational Health – Impact of Industrial Hygiene

The objective of this presentation is to increase occupational health professionals’ awareness about this emerging situation and about the ways to deal with adequately.

24 May 2023
Webinar – Global Understanding of Heat Stress and Heat-Related Illness for Workers and Communities

The basic understanding of heat stress and heat-related illness have been discussed based on a scientific perspective for both indoor and outdoor environments.

10 May 2023
Webinar – IH Field Survey & Identification Technical Overview

IH Field Survey & Identification Technical Overview (Including Chemical, Biological, & Radiological Survey Instruments) – This technical session will focus on how advanced instrumentation devices are used to identify and classify materials in field settings. Instrumentation examples include simpler instruments such as CGI, ‘5-gas’, PIDs, and move on to more advanced spectral library-based instruments such as IR, FTIR, Raman, portable GC/MS, microscale MS (908), and Radioisotope Identification Devices (RIIDs).

3 May 2023
Webinar – Industrial Air Cleaning Devices

This webinar will focus on ACGIH’s Chapter 8 of the Industrial Ventilation Manual for Design with an overview divided into two major sections as follows: 1. Particulate matter filtration and 2. Vapors and liquid filtration.  In the first section, Fabric filters such as baghouse and the like will dominate with emphasis on problem particulate and how to fix these problems.

26 Apr 2023
Webinar – Understanding Chemical Fume Hood and Laboratory HVAC Systems

Chemical fume hoods provide protection from vapors, splashes, fire, and impacts caused by chemicals and their reactions. However, fume hoods do not eliminate the hazards; they must be correctly used, maintained, and inspected to minimize the chance of exposure. We will explore why the correct laboratory ventilation is essential.

29 Mar 2023
Webinar – The Hidden Occupational Hazard – Poor Indoor Air Quality

Join us as we explore the importance of maintaining healthy indoor air quality for your workforce. Attendees will learn: acceptable indoor air quality parameters, common sources of indoor air pollutants, signs of poor indoor air quality, and what to do when a complaint against indoor air quality is received.

8 Mar 2023
Webinar – Biomechanics and Epidemiology of Shoulder Injuries

In this presentation we will breakdown the fundamental motions and biomechanics of the shoulder. After discussing the biomechanics of the shoulder, we will explore epidemiology research regarding the risk of shoulder injuries. We will also discuss techniques that can be used to accurately quantify the risk of shoulder injuries in the industrial setting and ways to mitigate risk.

8 Feb 2023
Webinar – Improving Exposure Assessment – Tools for Emerging Professional’s Skill Enhancement

This presentation will enhance understanding of Industrial Hygiene (IH) for personnel with the responsibility of managing safety and health in the workplace, safety committee members, and other personnel responsible with the responsibility of minimizing health hazards in the workplace.