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5 Jun 2024
Webinar – Some Like it Hot: Practical Approaches to Evaluating Heat Stress & Heat Strain

During this presentation we will discuss ACGIH’s recommended methods for evaluating heat stress and heat strain, as well as cutting-edge methods for measuring and controlling heat strain.

On-Demand Webinars

Summer Series

30 May 2024
Webinar – Navigating TSCA: Understanding Risk Mgmt & EPA Regulatory Measures for Chemical Safety

(RESCHEDULED from 5/23) – In recent years, the EPA has conducted risk evaluations for several chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to assess whether they pose unreasonable risks to human health or the environment. For those chemicals deemed to represent an unreasonable risk in any exposure scenario, the EPA is required to develop and propose risk management actions to mitigate the risks. These actions can range from labeling restrictions to restricting the use of the chemicals in certain scenarios to potentially banning the chemical in the US. The purpose of this presentation is to highlight current activities by the EPA regarding the risk management decision making process and the potential actions that the Agency for chemicals deemed to represent an unreasonable risk.

22 May 2024
Webinar – Conducting Legionella Remediation in Buildings

Much emphasis is given to the assessment of Legionella in buildings but industrial hygienists are often at a loss when it comes to implementing a Legionella remediation plan. The presentation covers the principles of remediation taking various technical sources as models. Including ACGIH, USCDC, ASHRAE 188, and Colloing Tower Institute. Ample examples of remediation, including overseas outbreaks, are provided to illustrate the role of the IH in the process.

8 May 2024
Webinar – Psychological and Physiological Impact of Heat Stress and Heat-Related Illness on Athletes, Coaches, and Sport Officials

Athletes, coaches and officials are exposed to exertional heat stress which result in heat-related illness in both indoor and outdoor sports during practice and competition. Heat stress can impact the cognitive, behavioral, and memory of these cohorts both in the shot-term under extreme conditions and during multiple events over a short period of time such as a long weekend. This is true for weekend competitions and preseason workouts without controls.

2 May 2024
Webinar – Understanding Exposure & Risk Components of EPA’s TSCA Risk Evaluation for Perchloroethylene

Part of Navigating EPA’s TSCA Risk Evaluation Insights for Industrial Hygienists Webinar Series, this webinar will describe EPA’s conditions of use that were evaluated in EPA’s assessment, will describe their exposure assessment approaches, and will analyze the impacts that EPA’s results and proposed ban could have on regulations related to workers and consumers who use perchloroethylene.

24 Apr 2024
Webinar – IH Field Survey & Identification Instrumentation Technical Overview Part 2 – Beyond the Basics

Regardless of experience level, years in the IH field, or current equipment inventory, having a solid, deployable understanding of what makes IH field survey & identification instrumentation work is necessary to reach your maximum potential as an industrial hygienist. This webinar moves beyond the basics delivered in the May 10th, 2023 related webinar, and more deeply explores the science behind IH instrumentation devices.

22 Apr 2024

Join this free webinar, co-hosted by AIHA and ACGIH, introducing Safety for NonProfits (S4NP), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of EHS professionals that provide occupational health and safety services on a pro bono basis to charities in their communities.

11 Apr 2024
Webinar – Current Status of EPA’s Risk Evaluations for Existing Chemicals Under TSCA

Part of Webinar Series: Navigating EPA’s TSCA Risk Evaluation Insights for Industrial Hygienists – This presentation will provide an overview of nine of the existing chemicals (excluding asbestos and perchloroethylene) that have been evaluated by the EPA to date. Key considerations included in the exposure assessments conducted as part of the individual risk evaluations will be highlighted. In addition, a case study of 1,4-dioxane will be presented.

10 Apr 2024
Webinar – Applying Science, Standards, & Outreach to Prevent Hand-Arm Vibration & Other Occupational Diseases & Injuries

The presentation will describe use of an interdisciplinary team to develop and evaluate a process management approach to control of health and safety hazards with a focus upon power hand tools -including noise, hand-arm vibration, physical safety hazards, dusts, and ergonomic/repetitive motion hazards.

27 Mar 2024
Webinar – Using AI & Information Mgmt Platforms to Increase Safety & Health Performance

Innovations in technology are influencing how safety and health professionals learn, collect data, and apply industrial hygiene and occupational safety information to reduce risk. The webinar will examine some of these current technological applications are used in the field of EHS.